Home Comment Smartphone credentials to become mainstream?

Smartphone credentials to become mainstream?

by Andy Clutton

2N is forecasting that COVID-19 and security concerns will lead to smartphone credentials becoming the mainstream choice for access control in buildings

Mobile credentials are set to become the mainstream choice for access control of residential and office buildings, according to IP access control systems company 2N. Concerns around security and COVID-19 are forcing organisations and businesses to reconsider their approach to access control and use technology that offers a safe and secure living and working environment for residents and occupiers.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought new challenges for buildings with multiple occupiers and high frequency touch points. Smartphone credentials offer an effective and convenient contactless solution for access control which reduces safety risks for end users. Security and privacy concerns around facial recognition technology have also raised the profile of mobile credentials as the credible and secure alternative to touchscreens and key cards.

Tomas Vystavel, Chief Product Officer at 2N, said: “Although intercom systems with touch screens or key cards are still commonplace solutions for access control into multi-occupier buildings, the world is changing fast. Organisations and businesses need to ensure they have the right access control solutions in place to keep pace with changing consumer needs and concerns. We expect to see mobile credentials become the mainstream choice for many organisations and businesses looking to improve access control.”

To help security managers and system integrators understand the benefits of mobile credentials 2N is hosting a new free and interactive webinar on 12th November. Register here

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