Home Comment The positive impact of CCTV

The positive impact of CCTV

by Andy Clutton

The evolution of camera technology has had many positive impacts across different sectors in the UK and is now going to play a part in helping improve animal welfare across England.

On the 4th May 2018, the government began enforcing new legislation requiring all slaughterhouses in England to have CCTV cameras installed. This is a massive win for anyone concerned with animal welfare, as for the first time, it will be possible to monitor and start to curb abuse across every abattoir in England. In addition, the new law will help ensure food safety standards are kept to. Official veterinarians will have unrestricted access to this footage.

Mark Raine, Managing Director at CCTVdirect commented on the new legislation saying: “The crystal clear images which can now be produced by CCTV cameras have had a massive impact on our current society. The introduction of this new legislation has made it possible to catch criminals who have previously eluded the justice system due to their crimes being hidden.

“It is incredible to see that the evolution of technology can have such positive impacts on animals and the environment.”

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