Home News Lockdown emergency barrier system launched

Lockdown emergency barrier system launched

by Andy Clutton

ERA has launched Lockdown, an emergency barricade device designed to provide security in the event of a threatening situation.

ERA’s Lockdown product is designed for use in commercial/community settings with high footfall including schools and hospitals. The unit is listed as easy to fit (with no keys or padlocks) making doors inaccessible to intruders and creating a safe hiding place for civilians in the event of an attack.

A system is available for both single and double doors, whether inward or outward swinging and fitted with or without traditional locks.

ERA’s Group Marketing and Innovation Director, Will Butler, said; “Sadly, we now live in a world where terror isn’t a distant menace, it can strike at the heart of our community. Public and businesses are being advised by the government and associated bodies to be extra vigilant and pre-plan how they might react if caught up in a threatening situation.  The over-arching advice being to run, hide, tell and then when hiding, barricade yourself in.

“For example, we are seeing dummy-runs in schools where pupils are being taught what to do in certain scenarios and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) has updated safety advice for employees suggesting that they develop dynamic lockdown procedures and use secondary devices for ‘invacuation’ rather than evacuation to barricade people in a room safely and keep the external threat out.”

Tested to PAS24 impact resistance standards, single door Lockdown fits doors from 650mm-1100mm width and weighs 4kg. The double door option fits doors up to 60mm and weighs 1.6kg. Pricing varies and depends on numbers and configurations required.

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