Home News Crime initiative welcomes new associate members

Crime initiative welcomes new associate members

by Andy Clutton

National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), the not for profit initiative that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community in order to reduce crime, is celebrating the first year of its Associate Membership scheme. NBCS recently welcomed Milestone Systems, Axis Communications, GMS Group, SmartWater and SWL Security as Associate Members, and these organisations join Mitie, CSL Group, Hikvision and Athelney Group as part of the initiative.

The Associate Membership scheme bridges the gap between technology providers and end users, giving vendors access to senior decision makers. Through a range of initiatives, such as one-day seminars, they get the opportunity to demonstrate their risk management, security, fraud and loss prevention solutions. NBCS has also introduced a monthly series of Crime Call events, where NBCS Members and Associate Members take part in a conference call to discuss specific issues and examine how technology can help address them by creating safer environments.

“Having Milestone Systems, Axis Communications, GMS Group, SmartWater and SWL Security join us is the icing on the cake of what’s been a very busy but exciting year for the Associate Membership scheme,” says Daniel Hardy, managing director at NBCS. “Having so many prestigious security solutions providers on board has proven mutually beneficial both for them and NBCS Members, and allowed us to encourage these two interdependent groups to engage in constructive dialogue. We are currently talking to a number of other companies and will soon be in a position to announce their Associate Membership status.”

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