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Streaming video surveillance grows in popularity

by Andy Clutton

Vemotion Interactive has reported that over the past twelve months, trends in streaming live video have accelerated with an increase in demand for mobile and rapid deployment CCTV camera solutions.

“Several project decisions were delayed initially but we have seen activity really pick-up latterly,” confirms says Steve Haworth, CEO at Vemotion. “Private sector projects have been much more mixed, and many are now starting to look at video streaming as ways to be more efficient and flexible.”

The ability to install cameras in an area of specific interest, whether for temporary deployment or fixed; to monitor crime hot-spots for drugs observation, persistent vandalism, fly-tipping or neighbourhood nuisances has seen a noticeable uptake.

“Agencies wanting to maximise their surveillance budgets and efficiency, in essence, to be more proactive at capturing off-grid incidents rather than missing events,” says Steve. “The integration of our streaming encoders and software makes it very easy to capture live video footage as it unfolds, and alongside the use of video analytics, control rooms can be automatically alerted to activity without the need for constant human monitoring. This provision provides ‘eyes on the ground’ and the vital intelligence for organisations to make faster and more informed decisions to drive better outcomes.”

Integrators and organisations are developing new solutions to a raft of common problems as Steve explains: “We’re seeing our VB-35 encoder allied to facial and face mask recognition being deployed across many applications. The use of compact, lightweight encoders to provide live mobile video on drones for search and rescue operations has really escalated, to provide quicker and cheaper airborne search capability vs the traditional expensive helicopter alternative.”

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