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How to write a successful CV…

by PSI Magazine

story-1-picThe Basics

Your CV should contain:

  1. Full name
  1. Contact details (contact number, email and location/address)
  1. Qualifications and Education
  1. Career History (if applicable)
  1. Key Achievements

Once this is completed and there are still things that you would like to add which would be relevant to your application, then do add these to the bottom of your CV.

You should include any information that you believe would add value to your character and will demonstrate how you will be of worth to the organisation and the role that you are applying for.


Things to remember

Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a marketing tool designed to do one thing… secure you an interview.  You need to “sell” your skills, abilities, qualifications and experience to potential employers, so you need to make sure that yours stands out from the crowd.

Keep it in chronological order, with your most recent career history and experience listed first.

On average, it takes employers only 10 seconds to look at your CV and decide whether to put it into the yes or no pile.

Keep it short, to the point, (ideally no more than two sides of A4) and save any extra details for the interview.

NOTE: Employers can receive on average 20 to 60 CV’s per role… so yours must stand out!


Things to avoid

  1. Spelling errors, typos and poor grammar. 50% of employers highlight poor spelling and grammar as their number one reason to disgard an application. It shows carelessness and laziness. Use a spellchecker, or ask someone to proof read it for you.
  1. Lying or misleading information. Concentrate on the skills and experience that you can offer, rather than what you can’t offer.
  1. Inconsistent formatting. Keep it easy for the employer to read. Keep it clear so they can scan and pick out relevant points.
  1. An unprofessional email address. Still using an address with a nickname from when you were at school? It’s definitely time to pick a new one!
  1. Photos. Unless necessary for your application, photos are invaluable for your CV. You need to sell yourself on your skills & experience, rather than how you look.

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