Home News Elite hotel secured with Dahua systems

Elite hotel secured with Dahua systems

by Andy Clutton

VillaThe Villa d’Este was built in 1568 as a private residence along the shores of Lake Como in Italy and was later transformed into a hotel in 1873. Dahua, in conjunction with Videotrend, was asked to secure the venue with installer Emit di Lecco for its property protection, while ensuring privacy for celebrity guests. The security system exerts strict monitoring for the entrances, parking lots and other outdoor areas to eliminate possible unsafe factors. In total, the hotel has installed 75 units comprised of different camera types from the Dahua Eco Savvy 2.0 series.

The majority of the cameras are installed mainly in the primary areas for monitoring. In addition to these cameras, NVR6000 units from Dahua were installed as part of the security upgrade. The hotel has also installed Dahua VDP (video door phone) system for the interior of the villa. A complete parking guidance system solution, including monitoring, recording, analysis and license plate reading was installed. All of the information is recorded and classified for rapid access of information when searching for a particular event.

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