Home News BSIA launches fogging code of practice

BSIA launches fogging code of practice

by Andy Clutton

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has launched a code of practice for security fogging technology.

“Security Fog Systems: Installations, Commissioning and Maintenance – code of practice” is intended to support the design, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of security fog systems conforming to EN 50131-8, as well as to serve as practical aid to mitigate risks and reach operational requirements.

Carl Gibbard, Vice Chair of the BSIA’s Security Equipment Manufacturers section, said: “I am pleased that the BSIA have worked with members and insurance companies to deliver a code of practice which closes a gap in the standards arena, can mitigate risks, and demonstrate the working ability of the professional industry who produce quality products

“Simple installation of an EN 50131-8 security fog device is not enough to consider all factors which may influence the effective operation of a system. This becomes apparent when security fog systems need to perform differently in various scenarios including hold up situations or burglaries.”

Steve Lampett, Technical Manager at the BSIA, said: “The BSIA continues to develop and support initiatives that further professionalise our industry sector and this new code of practice a testament to this, by providing a roadmap that focuses on the actual performance required from a security fogging system to achieve the obscuration objectives of the security solution to which it has been deployed.

“A significant amount of time and effort has been put into developing this code of practice on behalf of the industry sector, in an effort to provide a framework for designers, installers and maintainers who wish to apply the European product standard (EN 50131-8) in the UK, while addressing the specific needs of the UK market and its stakeholders.”

Download the Code of Practice here

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