Home News ANPR with easy installation

ANPR with easy installation

by Andy Clutton

4Sight Veractiy ANPR PlateIDIS and 4Sight Imaging have announced the integration of DirectIP with Veracity, an intuitive Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) software engine. Reportedly ten times more accurate in independent comparative testing, the IDIS and 4Sight solution combines image analysis technologies with DirectIP HD cameras, leveraging system architectures and advances in solid state lighting to allow a wide, multi-lane field of view that is listed as accurate across a range of weather, lighting and plate conditions.

The solution eliminates the challenges traditionally associated with ANPR systems, by removing complicated set up, configuration and constant maintenance and system adjustments made possible through both companies’ patented plug-and-play technology.  The result translates to low system configuration and simple, fast deployment that delivers benefits in terms of affordability and a continued low cost of ownership.

Brook Jackson, Managing Director at 4Sight Imaging, added: “The complexities previously associated with plate recognition have until now restricted installers and system integrators from maximising opportunities from ANPR, having eliminated these the Veracity solution allows our partners to grow, protects their margins and at the same time ensures end user satisfaction.  One major car parking organisation in the United Kingdom has already seen significant return on investment through improved accuracy since rolling out across their national estate.”

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