Home News Teddington residents and visitors protected

Teddington residents and visitors protected

by Andy Clutton

Access control technology from Intratone is at the heart of a security solution implemented by Added Security Technology (AST) London to protect residents and visitors to the premises in Elton Close, Teddington.

Elton Close is a five-block development, with a total of 68 flats, car access, parking and garages. The management required a complete solution that would encompass controlling the access of people to the residential buildings and preventing vehicles from parking illegally in the Close.

People are managed through the use of a fob-based, GSM Intercom door entry system from Intratone installed alongside five new and secure aluminium doors – also specified by AST. Residents are issued with the fobs that are presented to a proximity reader to grant access, with data from the fob being recognised (and recorded) by a central management system.

Visitors can enter a flat number into the keypad on the doors entry system at the main entrance door that automatically dials the appropriate resident’s landline telephone. Should there be no answer, the system will revert to dialling a mobile phone, or other designated number, where residents can remotely grant or deny access. Using Intratone’s management system, the fobs can be monitored and cancelled/re-assigned online if a resident moves on. This solution is administered, for Elton Close, by AST.

To prevent the unauthorised parking of vehicles within the Close, AST also specified a new barrier system using Intratone’s Intrabox RF Receiver. Residents are issued with transmitters whose RF signals are received by the management system to open the barrier. Every time the barrier is raised, the information is reported to operators to record an overview of the barrier’s activity. The technology is again remotely programmable through Intratone’s management system to accommodate changes in vehicles or residents.

Philip Hornsby, Managing Director of AST London, says: “Residents feel safer, and we have all-but eradicated the issue of problem parking.”

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