Home News Surveillance drive now features data rescue service

Surveillance drive now features data rescue service

by Andy Clutton

SeagateSeagate Technology has unveiled a dedicated surveillance hard disk drive (HDD) featuring Seagate Rescue services — the Seagate Surveillance HDD. Engineered specifically for surveillance and video analytics applications, the Surveillance HDD is a drive that employs data recovery services designed to restore data from malice or accidental failure, keeping systems in the field longer and reducing post deployment expenses.

“Over 413 petabytes of data are produced in just one day by video surveillance cameras installed worldwide in 2013— that’s 150,000 petabytes of data every year, most of which are stored on high-capacity surveillance systems for archive or video analytics purposes,” said Scott Horn, Seagate vice president of marketing. “That data is invaluable to the user to either meet industry regulations or leverage for content analysis or security— so when data loss occurs it’s an expense to the customer. Seagate’s Surveillance HDD with Rescue services addresses this issue head on and alleviates these concerns.”

Seagate Rescue services can typically restore data within two weeks depending on the type of recovery — with up to a reported greater than 90 percent success rate in data recovery. Activated at time of purchase, the rescue plan provides three years of data recovery at the fraction of what it would cost to recover data lost due to anything from computer viruses to natural disasters and more.

“Over 50 percent of users who had an accident with their drive have experienced data loss,” said Balaji Thangaraj, vice president for research at Boston Analytics. “The Seagate Surveillance HDD with Seagate Rescue Services provides consumers and system integrators alike with the critical reliability they expect in an easy solution, enabling them to gain peace of mind that their content is protected.”

PSI will look at the new drive in more detail in the November edition of the magazine

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