Home News PSi Premier Awards 2024 winners – Pyronix

PSi Premier Awards 2024 winners – Pyronix

by Andy Clutton

Richard Lockwood of Pyronix collects the award from Mark Sennett of Western Business Media and snooker legend Steve Davis

Pyronix CarDefender wins the Intruder Alarm Product of the Year 2024 Award as voted by UK installers

We are proud to announce that the Pyronix CarDefender has been named Intruder Alarm Product of the Year 2024 at the recent PSI Premier Awards. Such an important award is a true honour, especially when it comes as a result of votes and nominations from installers, integrators and other industry professionals.

The launch of the CarDefender in early 2023 marked a shift in industry methods for protecting vehicles. With easy attachment to the steering wheel so that the device can then link the vehicle – whether a car or van, or even a bike or motorbike, using its handlebar – to the home’s existing security system, the CarDefender allows installers to extend the home’s bubble of protection from the four walls to include vehicles.

As the original, truly innovative device for the protection of vehicles using home security systems, we believe voters made an excellent choice in selecting the CarDefender as the Alarm Product of the Year.

The CarDefender is designed to prevent vehicle theft, especially keyless thefts, by triggering a home alarm when an attempt is made. This provides users with early warnings, enabling swift action against theft that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Its silicone strap acts as both a visual deterrent and a simple way to attach to the vehicle and when in place, with the push of a button, the CarDefender is armed and connected to the home’s control panel. The device’s shock and tilt sensors will then detect any movements from would-be thieves, whether that is tampering with the vehicle, entry into the vehicle or movement of the steering wheel. Activation sends a signal to the control panel which will then trigger the home alarm system as well as sending a notification to the homeowner’s smartphone via the HomeControl2.0 app.

We’d like to thank all of those who voted for our products in this year’s PSI Premier Awards and especially, those who voted for the CarDefender. Awards like this one mean so much when they come from the votes of our valued customers. It is even more special to be winning for a second year following the Enforcer V11 – the panel which hosts the CarDefender – winning Intruder Alarm Product of the Year 2023 as a result of industry voting too!

In addition, we would like to thank PSI for hosting a fantastic awards evening which was enjoyed by all who attended. It’s great to be nominated for such an award and to win is even better. We look forward to returning to the event next year and hopefully winning again!

Find out more about CarDefender here

For more on this year’s PSi Premier Awards campaign see the August 2024 edition of PSi magazine

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