Home News Paxton now officially carbon neutral

Paxton now officially carbon neutral

by Andy Clutton

Security technology manufacturer Paxton becomes carbon neutral certified in the UK, France, Germany, and South Africa.

Paxton has measured its first ever carbon footprint and embarked on a focussed reduction plan to improve its impact on the environment. Working with Carbon Footprint to ensure accurate data reporting, Paxton recorded a total of 2,541 tCO₂e produced in 2022, equivalent to approximately 1,550 economy return flights from Heathrow to New York.

While introducing several operational changes that reduce carbon, Paxton has invested in three global projects that actively prevent carbon from reaching the atmosphere – helping to provide safe water at a project in Zambia and investing in solar and wind farms in Thailand and India.

Adam Stroud, CEO at Paxton, said: “Limiting our impact on the environment is important to everyone at Paxton and we know it matters to our customers too. This is the first step on our journey to become a net zero company, something we plan to do well in advance of the 2050 limit. We are all focussed and working hard to make the right environmentally conscious decisions to achieve this.”

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