Home Interviews Meet the installer – Adam Davies

Meet the installer – Adam Davies

by Andy Clutton

Adam Davies is the Managing Director at Trinity Fire & Security. Areas of expertise for the NSI Gold certified company include the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire, life safety and security systems.

What would be a typical project for you?
Trinity designs, installs and maintains fire detection, public address/voice alarm, emergency lighting, fire suppression, access control, CCTV, intruder alarm systems, and fire extinguishers. Our clients include blue chip customers in sectors including airports, hospitals, FM, universities, shopping centres and projects are typically complex upgrades across fire and security systems. London Heathrow Airport is our largest client and undoubtedly the most complex and challenging environment in which to work. However, we deliver our services in a wide spectrum of industry sectors, each of which has its own unique demands. Each is equally important to us.

Do you have any ‘go to’ technology and manufacturers?
We have developed partnerships with all of the key security and fire technology providers including Honeywell, JCI/Tyco, Baldwin Boxall, Gallagher, Paxton, Milestone, Axis and many more. Our highly trained designers and engineers ensure that every system installed and/or maintained by Trinity is always kept at optimal performance for changing site scenarios and user requirements.

What is the best thing about working in this industry?
Protecting people, businesses and livelihoods. It goes without saying that fire and security is a safety-critical industry. The products and services we deliver are designed to save lives – that’s always our priority. However, a fire or a breach of security can also be hugely damaging to a business. If our products can minimise and ideally eliminate disruption to people’s lives and livelihoods, we can be happy that we have done a good job.

Is NSI certification important to your business?
Yes absolutely. Accreditations and third-party auditing are the bedrock of what we build our business on assuring customers we are accredited and compliant to the highest standards. We value inspections and audits as a means of highlighting good performance as well as identifying under performance. Audits are tools to help us sustain continuous improvement, which is part of our culture at Trinity.


What is the security industry’s biggest myth?
It’s still a common myth that when there’s a fire, the flames cause the most casualties. Smoke is generally what injures or kills people when there is a fire. Smoke can become highly toxic from carbon monoxide and the different materials the fire burns. It is vital to take a coordinated approach to fire and security in a building. Fire detection equipment, such as smoke detectors, will alert building users before a fire breaks out. This gives people time to act calmly. If a fire does break out in a building, sprinkler systems are statistically the most effective means of extinguishing it. The vast majority of fires in sprinklered buildings are extinguished with only one sprinkler head operating.

Read the full interview in the January 2024 edition of PSI magazine

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