Home News Indoor 180 camera for panoramic scenes

Indoor 180 camera for panoramic scenes

by Andy Clutton

With a 12MP sensor and a 6MP dewarped panoramic image, Evolution 180 Indoor camera from Oncam is for applications that require a view of a scene, without blind spots, from a single sensor camera. The system was designed starting from the image requirements, optimising lens, optics and camera construction for wall mount panoramic views.

The 5:2 Panoramic+ stream balances image quality and bandwidth efficiency and when mounting the unit on an angle, Angle Compensation Technology corrects the view, straightening vertical lines in the scene.

According to the literature, day/night functionality allows images to be produced in all lighting conditions, including additional IR lighting. The camera is provided with three different mounting back boxes (0°, 25° and 45°), which also double up as pendant mount.

The Evolution 180 Range is now introduced with the indoor model available immediately and an outdoor model to be available in April.

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