Home News Entertainment hub improves fire safety

Entertainment hub improves fire safety

by Andy Clutton

Combining a multiplex indoor and outdoor cinema, gaming facilities including a Go-Karting track, restaurants, a hotel and a shopping complex under one roof, the Firestone Entertainment Hub in Jamnagar, India, recently looked to improve its fire safety provision and brought in Cavitak Marketing to lead on the installation and specification of a new system.

Parth Shah, Manager of Emerging Lead Technologies at Cavitak, said: “After meeting with the Hochiki Europe India Branch Office team and discussing the site’s unique requirements, they recommended the L@titude system.”

There are many difficulties that come with specifying life safety systems in large applications, the most prominent being networking, as it is essential that all areas are sufficiently protected and connected. However, the Entertainment Hub encountered more challenges than most as the facility has multiple tenants within one space, all with different requirements and life safety concerns.

Overseeing the project, Sujeet Singh, Senior Sales Manager at Hochiki, said: “Due to the sheer scale of this project, we met with the representatives from each tenant including the hotel, cinema and various restaurants, to better understand their life safety needs. From these conversations we were able to specify individual solutions to help protect each area of the hub.

“For instance, the PVR Cinema required the use of beam smoke detection, whereas the Fern Hotel was better suited to point detection in each bedroom. The entire system was then connected, controlled and monitored through the L@titude system.”

Applying a holistic approach, Hochiki was able to install various life safety systems, totalling over 700 devices throughout the entire space, all connected through the L@titude control and indication system.

The modular nature of L@titude is suited for larger settings as it can network up to 32 panels with over 4,000 sub address point per panel. It’s also possible to customise each panel with addressable loop detection circuits, conventional detection circuits, relay cards, additional sounder outputs or programmable I/O modules as needed; a big advantage in the installation, allowing the individual circuits from each tenant to be connected and controlled through one overarching platform.

If an incident should occur, having the power to add up to 64 individual users, all with different profiles and access permissions, widens the pool of people who can correctly analyse and react to a potential life safety event, ensuring a quick response.

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