Home News Dahua announces cloud-based installer tool

Dahua announces cloud-based installer tool

by Andy Clutton

A new application for installers enabling them to monitor the health of their customers’ security systems has been launched by Dahua Technology.

DoLynk Care is a cloud-based tool for installers to help add value to their customers by monitoring the health of a system in real-time, and alerting installers of any issues before they become a problem. If a device fails, the installation company receives immediate notification, enabling remote diagnosis and – if necessary – providing the necessary information for a single site visit to repair/replace hardware.

The system sends notifications to web clients or mobile phones in real-time. It can be configured so that the person with the master account can then allocate end-user sites to specific engineers, in order that they receive only relevant alerts.

The application is used to configure an installation – without needing a direct connection to the system via a laptop logged into the DoLynk Care portal. Various devices can be added to the platform and they can be configured individually or configured in batches, showing individual camera feeds.

Then on handover to the customer, the installer stops having access to the feeds and can fully monitor the performance of the system, turning it into a helpful assistant rather than just a configuration tool. In addition to notifying installation companies of any faults, the system helps troubleshooting by giving possible solutions to each issue, turning errors into tasks on the web dashboard or mobile app.

The application is aimed at small to medium projects such as residential, convenience stores, up to larger sites such as commercial or educational campuses.

DoLynk Care also enables installation company co-branding to the Dahua DMSS app. Dahua is currently offering the application free-of-charge for up to 12 months and forever free for installation companies with up to 64 devices and up to 10 installation engineers.

“DoLynk Care is an application that provides installers with an additional revenue stream and reinforces the maintenance contract relationship with the end-user,” said Michael Lawrence, Marketing Director at Dahua Technology UK & Ireland. “More than just a configuration tool, it’s an interactive assistant which helps keep systems fault-free and running at optimum performance, while meeting and surpassing customers’ service expectations.”

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