Home News CSL wins Technological Innovation of the Year 2022 Award

CSL wins Technological Innovation of the Year 2022 Award

by Andy Clutton

Adam Spain of CSL picks up the award from Paul Sinha

CSL scooped the Technological Innovation of the Year Award with GradeShift Pro 2 Radio + Radio at this year’s PSI Premier Awards

CSL is delighted that GradeShift Pro 2 Radio/Radio, has been recognised as the Technological Innovation of the Year at the PSI Awards 2022. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for us, without you, this award would not have been possible! GradeShift Pro 2 Radio/Radio is playing a vital role in enabling Installers to upgrade their legacy dual-path alarm signalling devices, as part of the UK’s All IP Project. The project has been extremely successful with over 75,000 Radio/Radio installations since its launch.

For Fire & Security Installers, the All IP network upgrade means no more PSTN to support older signalling systems that previously relied on analogue lines or copper to the exchange. In order to address the problem that many Installers face with their old signalling systems, CSL have been supporting them move onto the latest technology as part of our GradeShift Pro 2 Radio/Radio Upgrade Programme. Keeping their signalling base working and customers happy!

GradeShift Pro 2 Radio/Radio uses two active 4G WorldSIMs, each with their own radio module, one as the primary and one as the secondary path. A third standby SIM acts as a backup to the primary SIM on the primary path. Each SIM operates on an independent network from the other for total resilience. GradeShift Pro 2 is also compatible with CSL Live and the My Base App.

Moreover, utilising CSL’s wireless 4G dual-path solution, gives Installers the ability to connect to legacy and new control panels for Upload Download capabilities, remote servicing and full diagnostics. CSL are conscious that more businesses are feeling the pressure to demonstrate ways in which they are taking responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint. CSL recognise that having the ability to connect to alarm systems remotely is essential, for Installers to be able to take the necessary steps to be greener.

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