Home Inner Range Remote connectivity with Inner Range’s Integriti access control system

Remote connectivity with Inner Range’s Integriti access control system

by PSI Magazine

Managing access control and security remotely is essential in the current climate. Inner Range’s Enterprise level intelligent access control and intruder detection system comes with a range of options for remote connectivity, as technical manager Dave Ash explains.


Fixed client

Most Integriti customers benefit from our Integriti Pro software on the system server that allows one fixed client connection. A client connection can be made to the server from any computer on the same network, or can be routed from an external network in various ways including via VPN A security manager could install the client software onto their work laptop and connect – remotely if need be – to the server in the office.

Fixed (and floating) client access provides a more secure link to Integriti than a web client connection, especially if customers use a secure encrypted VPN or tunnelling protocol as well. Fixed client access allows greater control over system actions than a web client too.

Multiple fixed client licences can be in place, allowing several people to login to the system with their computer at the same time.

Setting up a new fixed client involves adding a licence to the server. This is usually done in person. In some cases, it can be achieved remotely if a remote connection to the Integriti server computer can be made available to the installer. The recipient also would need to install software on their target computer.


Floating client

Some customers prefer to set up a floating client licence, which is installed on the server as well as the computers or laptops of employees who will need to access the system.  It allows an agreed number of operators to connect simultaneously. For example, a team of 20 people could be allowed to use the system and have the relevant software on their computer but only five could be logged in at any one time. This is obviously helpful for larger teams that share duties 24/7.

A floating client licence offers the same security and functionality as a fixed client.

Like a fixed client, setting up a new floating client involves adding a licence to the server, which is usually done in person but can sometimes be completed remotely if a remote connection to the Integriti server computer can be made available to the installer. The recipient would also need to install software on all computers that would be used to access Integriti.


Web client

A web client gives customers a more flexible way to connect with Integriti via a web browser. The access is not fixed to a particular computer but is linked to a person’s identity credentials.

A web client licence gives secure access to Integriti and allows a security manager to do the majority of tasks they could do via a fixed or floating client connection. Multiple licences are required if more than one person needs access at the same time.

A particular benefit to a web client is that users don’t need to install any software on their laptop because they simply use their web browser to access the system.

The set-up involves adding the web client licence to the server. This is usually done on site but can sometimes be done remotely if a remote connection to the Integriti server computer can be made available to the installer.

For more information or an online demonstration of Integriti’s remote connectivity options and other capabilities, please contact us on 0845 470 5000 or email [email protected]

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